Iredell Beekeepers Association

Who we are —

The Iredell County Beekeepers Association is a group of Beekeepers whom admire and love bees. Our mission is to continue learning about bees, share our knowledge with each other, and educate our community. Anyone interested in Beekeeping is welcome.

Swarm Removal

If you find a Swarm please do not harm the honey bees. Do not use pesticides or spray water on them.

For Swarm Rescue and Recovery reach out to one of our Beekeepers by clicking the button below:

Learn —

Honeybees are one of the most interesting creatures. Check out our blog for educational materials on both bees and beekeeping strategies.

Bee Supplies + Services

Resources for your Beekeeping needs.

Honey for Sale

Support our community and buy local.

“Unique among all God's creatures, only the honeybee improves the environment and preys not on any other species.”

- Royden Brown

In the Kitchen —

Honey makes a great addition to any recipe. Check out our recipes to explore different uses for honey.